Opening hours of the tourist information offices
Elbingerode, Rübeland, Königshütte, Susenburg, Neuwerk
Markt 3
38875 Oberharz am Brocken
OT Elbingerode
Elend, Tanne, Sorge
Hauptstraße 19
38875 Oberharz am Brocken
OT Elend
Opening hours
► Monday to Friday | 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.* |
* All tourist information offices will be closed on Monday, the 25th November 2024 for internal reasons.
Hasselfelde, Stiege, Rotacker
Breite Straße 17
38899 Oberharz am Brocken
OT Hasselfelde
Opening hours
► Monday to Friday | 9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. |
Opening hours of the management of the tourist information offices
Administrative headquarters
Blankenburger Straße 35
38889 Oberharz am Brocken
OT Rübeland
office hours
► Monday to Friday | 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. |
Dotted in this idyll: Thirteen villages - one municipality
Here Up in the Harz, our thirteen Oberharz' villages are spread out between the mountain, the Brocken and the valley Bodetal, at an altilude from 460-560 m above sea level. Whether you visit our villages or small towns - here you will find your door to nature - original, picturesque and relaxing. Also traditional events and hearty folk festivals are waiting for you.
Open the mind for lots of soothing impressions, here Up in the Harz.